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Supported Single-Arm Dumbbell Row

Supported Single-Arm Dumbbell Row

Hold a dumbbell in your right hand, place your left hand on a bench in front of you, and assume a staggered stance, left foot forward. Hold your elbow in as you row the wight to the side of your torso. Do 10 reps, switch arms and leg positions, and repeat the movement.

Dumbbell Triceps Kickback

Dumbbell Triceps Kickback

Grab a pair of dumbbells, bend your knees and lean forward so your torso is nearly parallel to the floor. Tuck your upper arms next to your sides, bend your elbows, and hold your forearms about parallel to the floor, palms facing up. Simultaneously extend your arms straight back and rotate the weight so your palms end up facing each other. Return to the starting position. Do 15 reps.

Dumbbell Hammer Curl and Press

Dumbbell Hammer Curl and Press

Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, hold a pair of dumbbells at arm's length by your sides, palms facing each other. Without moving your upper arms, curl the weights to your shoulders, and then press them overhead until your arms are straight. Reverse the move to return to the starting position. Do 10 reps.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Running for Pleasure

Running for Pleasure

If you really want to give running a try, make sure you invest in the best fitting running shoes you can find! Next, plan a safe route and follow this beginning schedule.

If you are totally new to exercise, ease into movement. After a five minute walking warm-up, start with a short run every other day (even as little as 5 minutes) and follow it with 10 or more minutes of walking, or as far as you can or feel like going.Gradually increase the duration of each run in a 2x forward/1x backward duration plan.

Example – 5 minutes, 8 minutes, 5 minutes/8 minutes, 11 minutes, 8 minutes/11 minutes, 14 minutes, 11 minutes, and so on.

You can also begin your program with a Walk/Run routine, alternating 5 minutes of walking with short runs up to five minutes. You can use the 2x forward/1x backward method with your running segments. Gradually build up your running time to 30 minutes. Always complete your workout with a 5 minute slow paced cool-down and stretching of the calves, hamstrings, hip flexors and back.

While you are building up your running stamina, practice good running form:
  1. Run tall with good posture. Your trunk will lean forward from the hips slightly, but try to lengthen your body, lift your chest, and hold your abdominals in.
  2. Let your arms swing at a 90 degree angle between the chest and hipbone, not crossing them over your body. Your arm swing should compliment your stride. Relax your wrists and hands. Do not clench your fists.
  3. Power your stride from your thighs, hips, and buttocks muscles. Plant your heel on the ground first and roll onto the toes.
  4. Stay relaxed and peaceful
Take regular days off to prevent injury. Remember, physical training has 2 parts:
  1. Tissue breakdown – caused by the running
  2. Tissue regeneration - caused by the rest period.
Proper training and resting will strengthen your body optimally. Running every other day, and not two days in a row, is good injury prevention. When you are conditioned enough to train for a race, you may add an extra running day to your week.

When you can run continuously for 30 minutes, you can begin to adjust your running workout toward specific training goals. Some new training techniques may include:
  1. Train to cover extra ground. Once a week push yourself until you can run 2-3 times farther than normal distance. Longer runs will boost aerobic capacity
  2. Train for increased speed. To boost your anaerobic capacity and power, 1-2 times a week add several sprints into the middle of your running workout. To sprint, run faster than normal until you reach breathlessness, then back off to your normal pace and recover. This can be done 2-4 times in a run.
Tips for increasing your enjoyment of running include:
  1. Set running goals – for speed, distance, races, etc.
  2. Run with a partner
  3. Change the route when you get bored
  4. Record your progress in a log

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Better Nutrition with the Food Guide Pyramid

Food Guide Pyramid

This diet method emphasizes overall health, focuses on the total diet, and is user friendly. No one food group is more important than another in the Food Pyramid and its use allows for flexibility with food substitutions.
This pyramid is divided into sections:
  1. Complex carbohydrates form the base or foundation of the Food Pyramid. These starches are high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and medium to low in fat unless the cooking adds fats. The recommended number of daily servings are 6 - 11.
  2. The second level is divided into vegetables and fruit. Vegetables are high in vitamins A, C, and folic acid, as well as fiber and the minerals iron and magnesium. They are low in fat unless it is added in cooking or processing. Three servings are recommended. Fruits are low in fat and high in vitamin A, C, and potassium. Two fruits are suggested for each day.
  3. The third level focuses on protein, divided between meat and dairy foods. Two servings daily from dairy products provide protein, vitamins, and minerals except for iron. Milk, yogurt, and cheese are dairy foods. Some dairy choices are high in fat. The meat group includes dry beans, nuts, and eg. The nutrients include protein, B-complex vitamins, iron, and zinc. Some choices are high in fat and the recommendation is two low fat servings daily.
  4. The top or peak of the Food Pyramid is fats, oils and sweets. Salad dressing and oils, cream, butter, margarine, sugars, sodas, candies, and sweet desserts provide calories without a lot of nutrients. However, a person may eat these foods sparingly for enjoyment without negative consequences.
The Food Guide Pyramid was designed to depict variety, moderation, and proportions. The size of each section reflects the number of daily servings. Many people use the Food Guide Pyramid for tracking their food intake because of its simplicity.
Using the Food Guide Pyramid does have its drawbacks.
  1. It does not limit food choices to those low in calories. A person using the pyramid needs to have knowledge of the approximate fat and calories in foods in order to make effective choices. The Food Guide Pyramid makes no attempt to point out individual high fat or high sugar foods within the individual sections.
  2. A person may choose the right number of servings from each group and still make poor nutrient choices if they use mostly processed foods and few raw fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
A person can use the Food Guide Pyramid wisely if they remember the goals of a nutritious diet:
  1. Adequacy - Choose the minimum numbers of servings in each section (6,3,2,2,2).
  2. Balance - One type of food is not overemphasized.
  3. Calorie control - Focus on the nutrient dense lower levels of the pyramid if you want extra food, but also watch the serving size!
  4. Moderation - Using some of the fats and sweets from the top of the pyramid sparingly adds enjoyment to the food.
  5. Variety - Within each section, choose different foods and experiment with new flavors.
Here is my personal experience with using the Food Guide Pyramid:
While I have great exercise habits, I tend to avoid any monitoring of my food intake, mainly because I love to eat! My excuse is that all the exercise is plenty to stay at the fitness level I want. despite the fact that I teach a nutrition course! So after noticing that I was starting to look and feel a bit less than my peak, I decided to bite the bullet and take a hard look at my eating habits. I used the Food Guide Pyramid, focusing on low fat choices. I drew pyramids on pieces of paper, and sectioned them off for the contents: Complex carbohytrates as the base, veggies and fruits on the second level, meat and dairy third,and the "other," fats and sweets, on top.
Some of my mental dialog:
  • "It's hard to eat that much."
  • "Wow I sure don't get enough complex carbs."
  • "I guess I like eating fruit and veggies in mass quantity."
  • "What in the heck HAVE I been eating?"
In two weeks - visible changes! The muscle tone is once again showing at a preferred level.
The moral: It takes a 50/50 relationship between food and activity for best performance and fitness (appearance, too).

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Miracle Weight Loss

Miracle Weight Loss

The desire for instant gratification in a no-fail weight loss method can spur you into trying products that promise "miracle" weight loss. Among them are diet pills, vitamin supplements, herbs, and "thigh creams." These products are advertised in the pack pages of magazines, on radio and on television. The sale of them is a million dollar industry.

There are some obvious advertising claims that signal a weight loss product is a fraud. Beware if a product promotes:
  • "If you lose too much weight, discontinue immediately."
  • Wrapping the product around a specific body part to flush or burn fat from that area.
  • Reliance only on testimonials from satisfied customers.
  • "Magic" combinations of food and vitamins.
  • Weight loss without diet or exercise.
Diet gimmicks continue due to the common belief that ad claims must be true or the products wouldn't be around. But even with common food, there are a lot of weight loss myths. Some of these follow:
  • MYTH - Margarine has less fat and calories than butter
    TRUTH - Both are 100 percent fat and the same amount of calories. Some light margarines are whipped with water to lower the fat per serving.

  • MYTH - Chicken has less fat than beef.
    TRUTH - This depends on the cut of beef and the part of the chicken. Chicken thighs are just as high in fat as most beef.

  • MYTH - Non-dairy creamers and toppings are low-fat alternatives to cream.
    TRUTH - These contain the highly saturated fats of palm and coconut oil. Evaporated non-fat milk is a better choice.

  • MYTH - Choice and prime cuts of meat are lowest in fat
    TRUTH - These are highest in fat. Select less expensive cuts for lower fat content.

  • MYTH - Brown sugar and honey are better than white sugar.
    TRUTH - All these sugars have the same amount of calories per gram (4) and insignificant amounts of nutrients. They all promote tooth decay.

  • MYTH - To reduce blood cholesterol, stop eating eggs.
    TRUTH - Cutting back to 3 or 4 eggs a week is helpful, but reducing the total fat intake of the diet is most helpful for lowering cholesterol.

You can dismiss quick fix thinking and food myths and use a permanent approach to weight management. You can eat foods you enjoy, lower body fat, and keep it off. Moderate, achievable goals for weight management include:
  • Balanced meals of a variety of high fiber, lower-fat food.
  • Sufficient calories at regular times.
  • Regular exercise.
  • Lose only one or two pounds per week.
If there was one simple step that I would recommend to improve most people's nutrition it would be VEGETABLES. In fact, one of my personal daily goals is to make sure I include 3-4 servings of veggies in my daily food intake. (Even us "experts" need to work on changes, too.) Here are some ideas to add plant life to your food without noticing them as much:
  • Add extra grated veggies to spaghetti or pizza sauce.
  • Add a layer of veggies to lasagna.
  • Add two colorful diced veggies to casseroles.
  • Add veggies to low-fat sour cream or yogurt for potato topping.
  • Stuff veggies (squash, tomatoes, peppers) with rice, beans, or tuna.
  • Add grated carrots or zucchini to cakes and cookies when baking.

Monday, September 24, 2018

How Much Food?

How Much Food

Do you give your body the best fuel so it can perform in the manner you wish, or do you fill up with the “cheap stuff?”

Looking at food from a different angle, do you view food as enjoyable or as medicine? Can we have fun eating and still maintain low bodyfat?

Many women eat too little, instead of too much, out of fear of gaining weight. Many normal women think they are fat because of society’s obsession with thinness. The semi-starvation food habits of these women make them vulnerable to nutritional deficiencies, more so than men. It is a woman’s right to concentrate on healthy eating rather than starving oneself to produce a body size you were never genetically programmed for. It is a woman’s right to ban diets, throw away the scale and make being healthy the important factor.

Even without resorting to a fad diet, chronic dieting by severely restricting calorie intake can produce unfortunate side effects.
  • Obsession with food and body weight
  • A sense of deprivation
  • Weight cycling
  • Eating binges followed by guilt
  • Self dislike
Food becomes and enemy and mealtime the battlefield. Fatigue is also related to poor eating patterns.

You are encouraged to focus on fitness, not fatness, by developing eating and exercise behaviors that will lead to good health. This includes an eating plan you can live with forever. Eating awareness is a lifetime of providing your body with the necessary nutrients it needs: protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water.
How many calories are needed for health and fitness? An easy way to figure this is:
  • Multiply your weight by 10 (EX: 130 x 10 = 1300)
    This determines the amount of calories needed for your basic body functions.
  • Add about half that amount for your activities (1300 + 650 = 1950)
  • If you exercise daily add an additional 200-300 (1950 + 200 = 2150)
This may seem like a lot of calories, but this higher caloric intake offers adequate energy to function and contributes to successful long term weight (fat) loss. One note: This calorie intake may not work for someone who has dieted for extended periods throughout life or who keeps her weight abnormally low. 
The next question is “What to eat?”
  • Eat three health balanced meals a day.
  • Limit fat, sugar, and salt.
  • Increase complex carbohydrates.
  • Focus on food that has high nutrient density, which means the food provides more nutrients for fewer calories. (Vegetables are the most nutrient dense food you can eat.)
Carbohydrate rich meals and snacks with some protein and a little fat will energize your body. A good food plan never eliminates an entire food category and the food can be found at the grocery store, not just at specialty food stores.

A food program that encourages making changes in eating habits one small step at a time can be simple and comfortable, as well as very effective.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Weight Loss: Fraud or Fact?

Weight Loss

Many people believe that the cleverly marketed fat burning products for sale today are that genie who will grant their wish when they use their credit card to open the bottle. Especially when well known TV, radio, and media personalities promote the products.

One person who is very close to me bought into the marketing hype of a product claiming to increase metabolism and produce the instant weight loss, despite my advise not to. After 3 weeks he was noticing his hands were numb. The second symptom was a racing pulse. A week later he had migraine headaches three days in a row. The doctor told him to throw that weight loss supplement (the doctor used the work “crap”) away before he seriously hurt himself. Now my friend is following my suggestions for losing weight.

I read the labels of several miracle metabolism boosters. Here are some of the most popular ingredients, what they claim to do and what they really do.

Chromium supplements are claimed to help you burn body fat and build muscle. There is no real scientific evidence that indicates that chromium aids weight loss, however there is some evidence that chromium (as chromium picolinate) may cause cancer.

Ginseng has been used for over 4000 years in the Orient as an "energy booster". Today many people take ginseng products to boost their own energy levels and increase the ability to exercise, thus burning more fat. In double blind placebo controlled studies of ginseng the researchers concluded that oral ingestion of ginseng for 7 days prior to exercise did not improve exercise performance when subjects rode an exercise bike.

Ma Huang, ephedra, or ephedrine mimics the effect of stimulating hormones like adrenaline in the body Ephedrine is a drug that is widely used in over the counter cold and asthma medications and is also found in weight loss products even though there is no substantial evidence that it is an effective weight agent in obese individuals. Ephedrine is known to elevate one's blood pressure and heart rate and may also result in restlessness, headaches, dizziness and insomnia, psychosis, memory loss and muscle injury. If you are currently using an ephedrine containing product for weight loss throw it away right now!

Pyruvate has ballooned into one of the biggest selling weight loss products on the market today. Pyruvate is a molecule formed during the breakdown of sugar (glucose) for energy. Unlike the vast majority of weight loss products on the market today, pyruvate does have actual scientific studies in reputable scientific publications backing up it's claims.

However closely analyzing the results of those studies makes one wonder if it really works in the miraculous way that is claimed by weight loss product manufacturers. Increased metabolism is one promise from proponents of pyruvate. This claim that combinations of pyruvate and the substance dihydroxyacetone result in greater metabolisms is based solely on studies using rats, not humans. The most recent human study found that those using pyruvate and dihydroxyacetone actually had lower metabolisms at the end of the study than those who did not use them!

Enhanced weight loss is the biggest claim from using pyruvate and the few studies investigating pyruvate’s role in enhancing weight loss say that it works. However, the subjects in the studies were extremely obese (200 lbs overweight), the subjects were on very low calorie diets (500 calories per day), and the increased amount of weight lost in the group using pyruvate was only an average of 1.5 - 2 lbs per person more than the control group. So there is no evidence that pyruvate would aid weight loss in the average individual.

I would love it if there was a genie in a bottle who would grant your wish for weight loss miracles. But there is no such thing. I mentioned that my friend who tried one of these fake genies in a bottle is now following my recommendations for losing weight. Here are the suggestions I gave him for effective metabolism boosting and fat burning:

  1. Set a goal and commit to achieving it. Measure yourself. Set a goal for losing 1-2 lbs a week or ½ - 1 inch per measurement each month. Re-measure every 4 weeks, then reset your goal. 
  2. Do strength training exercise. Lift weights or use resistance bands. Muscle is metabolically active tissue, so increasing it will help your body burn more fat. When a person does regular resistance workouts it can increase the metabolism up to 8.3%. 
  3. Do regular aerobic exercise. Condition your heart and burn calories. Your metabolism can increase up 3.5% if you do an aerobic workout 5 or 6 times a week. (Add that to 8.3% from lifting weight and you have a total metabolic increase of 11.8%!) 
  4. Exercise daily with strength training, aerobics, or both. Keep that body moving every day. Think of it as your "metabolic optimizer" workout, spreading your efforts over all 7 days of the week. 
  5. Eat 4-6 smaller meals a day. Every time you eat, you increase your metabolism. It takes energy to digest your food. When you go for long periods without eating, you shut your metabolism down, most often resulting in overeating at your next meal. Keep your metabolism high by spreading your calories out. 
  6. Drink 8-10 glasses of water minimum per day.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Energy and Metabolism

Energy and Metabolism

Metabolism is the word used to describe the chemical and physical processes in the body that provide energy for the maintenance of life.

Energy is neither created nor destroyed; rather, there is a transfer. You can think of your body as a bank, an efficient investment system. Many transactions are made each day.

Food is the initial investment you bring to your bank. It provides a continuous supply of energy for the body cells, but it is not used directly. Digestion breaks down the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into the simple forms of glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids, and these are deposited into different “accounts” in your body “bank.” Some glucose is processed and used quickly for energy, like paying cash for a purchase. The remaining glucose becomes glycogen and is stored in the muscles and liver, part of your body’s bank.

This is similar to a checking account that you can get funds out of whenever you need them. Fatty acids are long-term investments, similar to a savings account. They are not meant to be “cashed in” immediately.

Protein provides amino acid building blocks for growth or repair of body tissues and to synthesize enzymes and hormones. It is used as an energy source only during periods of starvation at the expense of other needed functions. Your body bank thinks of using protein to prevent going bankrupt but at the expense of other important functions in the body.

When your body bank cashes in some of the saved glycogen or fatty acids, they release energy to form a compound that is abbreviated ATP. This is the “currency” that is used to buy your body’s activity. All biological work requires that ATP be broken down or spent. The body cashes in its savings and produces ATP either anaerobically or aerobically.

Aerobic production of ATP is for activities requiring sustained energy at a slower pace. Your body bank cashes in either glycogen or fatty acids over a long period of time, similar to cashing in a savings bond and spending it slowly. Because of the negative publicity excess body fat gets, it’s hard to realize that from your body’s point of view, fat is the gold standard for potential energy.

Carbohydrates provide four calories of energy per gram. It is stored in the body as glycogen in sufficient quantity for a 10-mile run or about 1200 calories. Fat, which provides 9 calories per gram, is stored in almost unlimited abundance. A woman who weighs 120 pounds with 25 percent of her weight stored as body fat has enough stored energy to run 1000 miles.

The comparison of your body to a bank is a very simple way to explain the complicated process of energy use, or metabolism. As it pertains to exercise, the anaerobic and aerobic energy systems are not mutually exclusive. They can work together or the body can alternate between them. The intensity of an exercise period dictates the fuel, whether mostly glycogen or fatty acids are used.

People who love to exercise for fun and fitness can appreciate how effective the metabolic systems operate to allow the enjoyment of activity. If you need to decrease your energy investment and lose some body fat, go on a spending spree!

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Exercise Safely in Summer Heat

Exercise Summer Heat

I like to write about exercising in hot weather every year because you can make your summer workouts effective, fun, and SAFE!! More exercise injuries occur during summer because of the hotter temperatures for two reasons:

  1. Many people start activity programs during warm weather and participate only one or two days a week (Weekend Warriors)
  2. Many exercisers neglect the increased need for water when the temperature is high.

Warm weather often motivates people to increase their activity, even after a winter of being sedentary. Weekend warriors are individuals who participate in sports or outdoor activities only once a week or so. The human body needs time to adapt to changes in the climate and it may take several weeks. Your fitness level and your amount of body fat are physical factors that affect how fast you adapt to higher temperatures. The fitter you are, the quicker you will adapt to changes in the climate. If you have excess body fat, it acts as insulation and slows heat loss. Therefore, summer weekend warriors are entering their favorite activities with two possible strikes against them.

Starting a program of regular activity now will prepare you for your summer weekend sport. Train yourself with a cardiovascular exercise, such as walking, running, biking, etc. at least three times a week for 30 minutes. Add some strength exercises such as pushups and squats. Follow this minimal program for 3-4 weeks and you will notice how much better you feel when the weather gets really hot.

Whether your are a weekend warrior or a regular exerciser, when that 100+ temperature does make its debut, follow your body's need to reduce the intensity of your workout. In very hot, humid weather, the intensity of exercise lasting 30 minutes or more should be reduced and you should monitor your heart rate carefully. As the summer progresses, you will acclimate within two or three weeks and be able to resume your normal intensity.

Whenever possible, try to exercise in the cooler times of the day, wearing light colored, well-ventilated, loose fitting clothing. Never wear plastic or nylon jogging pants or suits. They prevent the evaporation of sweat and retain body heat. Wearing them is asking for a heat injury.

The body's need for water is greater in the summer because hot weather presents two challenges: preventing dangerous elevations in your internal body temperature and avoiding dehydration. Heat related injuries are often caused by inadequate water intake.

Exercising muscles generate heat. As the body temperature rises, sweating begins. When sweat evaporates from the skin, it cools and lowers the temperature. Exercising under extreme environmental conditions, such as heat and humidity, increases cardiovascular stress. In hot weather, it is harder to dissipate internal heat.

The larger you are, the more you sweat. Women sweat less than men. Conditioned athletes sweat more than beginning exercisers and at a lower body temperature. (Athletes also lose fewer electrolytes from sweating than less conditioned people.)

Sweat is made of water. The body's water is an essential nutrient composing 55 - 60 % of an adult's weight. During an average day a person loses up to two or three quarts of water. Excessive sweating during intense exercise can cause a loss of as much as two or three gallons of water a day.

Never restrict water during exercise. Stay well hydrated by drinking a lot of cold water. Do not rely on thirst as an indicator of the need for water. You can become dehydrated before you feel thirsty. Drink 1 or 2 cups of water 15 - 30 minutes before exercising, then another cup every 15 - 20 minutes during your workout. Drink one or two cups more after your workout.

Cold water is best because it empties rapidly from the stomach and lowers the body's core temperature. Sports drinks and sugared fluids are absorbed much slower and are less efficient at preventing dehydration. The electrolyte replacement is needed only by endurance athletes, such as marathon runners. If you eat a nutritious diet, you will get all the electrolytes you need. Drinks with caffeine or alcohol act as diuretics, which cause even faster water loss, so avoid them.

Outdoor athletes sometimes have difficulty carrying the amounts of water they need. Mount several water bottle holders on bikes. There are some wearable water bags that are great for any activity and free your hands. Remind children to have water available and drink often. Kids can overheat a lot faster than adults.

During your summer sports and fitness activities it is important to recognize your own individual heat tolerance and limits so that routine will be effective and safe!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Vacation Fitness

Vacation Fitness

However, new exercisers may not have established the habit securely enough to prevent post-vacation dropout from their exercise routine.

Pre-vacation planning can help your students and clients to stick to healthy lifestyle activities and enjoy their time off. Encourage them to research the following while making their plans.

  • Is there an exercise area and swimming pool?
  • What additional recreational activities are available? - biking trails, inline skating, parks, walking/jogging paths.
  • Is there a fitness facility (YMCA, etc) nearby that services the hotel guests?
  • What kind of exercise clothes and accessories for planned exercise activities will be needed?
Time for Exercise
  • Encourage your clients to plan at least 30 minutes 3-4 times a week for exercise.
  • If driving long distances is part of the vacation - walk briskly for a few minutes at each rest stop.
  • Walk briskly through the terminal during long layovers.
Workout in a Suitcase
  • Rubber resistance bands or tubing for strength training.
  • Jump rope for cardiovascular exercise.
  • Pushups, squats/lunges, abdominal exercises can be done withoug equipment.
  • Stretch daily.
Help your students and clients brainstorm for ways to include fitness in their vacations. Do a "practice" vacation workout with them before they leave on their trip. Write their workout on a log and encourage them to use it.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Tips for Getting the Body you Want!

Here are some tips to help you start:

First tip is: Set your goals! Do not be over optimistic, do not be over pessimistic in setting your goals. Just be realistic! No one can become a bodybuilding champ over night. Do not fool yourself, today I will lift 10000 pounds and tomorrow I will look like Terminator. Start by knowing your body and you will quickly learn what is a realistic goal for you. Write your realistic goals down, make a schedule. People make plans in their head and forget them, write your plans on a paper. Read your goals, follow a schedule. When you will feel down, look at your goals and what you already achieved and your mood will go up.

weight lifting

Follow a routine of your schedule! Make yourself a training program and follow it. Once you get in a rhythm, you will feel great and your body will be grateful!

Next tip is: Ask people, learn more about training, about lifting weights...! It is true the bodybuilding is a individual sport, but do not be afraid to ask people for the advice, ask your trainer, ask a friend. Trust me, people will help you if you ask them nicely. Knowledge is power is also true for bodybuilding.

The following tip is: You must overload/stress your muscle! Only way to build your muscle and gain strength is to stress your muscle. Bigger weight means bigger muscle! Do not over exceed yourself as you might heart yourself! Warm up by lifting smaller weights. Start slowly, use smaller weight, less repetitions, then steadily add more weight, and later more repetitions. If you would always lift the same amount of weight, then your progress will stop. So try to add more repetitions with lifting the same weight or add more weight with the same repetition or decrease the rest time between your repetitions.

The last tip is: Proper nutrition and proper rest! You may set your goals, lift heavy weights, but without proper nutrition and proper rest there will not be any progress. Your muscle as your body needs energy to work. The energy comes from the proper nutrition! Without proper nutrition you will be easily tired, so believe me when I say that proper nutrition is the key. The proper nutrition will have 40% of Carbohydrates, 40% of Protein and 20% of fat. The muscle growth happens while you sleep and rest so it is very important to rest and sleep properly.

Monday, August 27, 2018

So you Want to Build Massive Muscles Fast?

massive muscles
As the human body grows old, the balance between the fats and muscles revolutionize. After reaching the age of 25, people tend to lose as much as 5% of their muscles every decade. And if people will not try to maintain fitness, they will build up more fats than muscles.

So the idea now is to learn how to lose weight and gain muscles instead. To help you out, here are some tips for losing weight and building muscle.

1. Exercise regularly

If you want to tone down your muscles in a specific area and would want to lose those fats, it is still important that you undergo "overall conditioning" programs. In this way, you lose fats and build muscles evenly.

Moreover, exercise should be on a regular basis. With a regular exercise, you can build lean body muscles and lose fatty tissues all at the same time. Hence, you do not lose those muscles and accumulate fats.

2. Count calories

The only problem with caloric intake is that some health professionals have falsely created a concept regarding the control of caloric intake in order to lose weight.

Losing weight is not all about control and restrictions but more on counting the amount of calories you have taken in. Besides, learning how to count calories will allow you to make better food choices.

3. Be realistic

Building muscles and losing weight do not pose any difference when it comes to the required period to achieve good results. Losing weight and building muscles fast does not mean a month or two weight loss and body building program. It can be longer.

Hence, do not be discouraged if you cannot see any results after working out for almost a month. Besides, perseverance really pays off. So if you really want to lose weight and build your muscles fast, use an effective strategy and the best work out program.

If you think of fats and muscles, you will think of better ways how to lose and build them effectively. Try to keep these things in mind and you will definitely achieve the results that you want.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Build Muscle Mass

build muscle mass

If you're anything like I was a short while ago, "a skinny guy trying to build muscle mass", then I have some important tips that could help you start seeing results instantly.

There are 3 key ingredients that you MUST HAVE in order to build muscle mass and quickly at that. And here they are:

Muscle Mass Ingredient #1 – More Protein

If you want to build muscle mass quickly then this is a "must". Just remember, the only thing that can build muscle in your body is Protein. So if you're not consuming enough protein it's IMPOSSIBLE to build lean muscle mass and stack on the pounds.

In order to maintain your weight, you should be consuming 1 gram of protein for each pound of body weight. So if you're a 150 lb. guy then in order to maintain your muscle mass at that weight you need to consume 150 grams of protein each day. And if you want to build muscle mass, you're going to have to consume "more" protein, to not only maintain the muscles you have now but to build more.

So if you want to build muscle mass quickly and safely a general rule of thumb is to consume 1 – 2 grams of protein for each pound of body weight. So if you're a 150lb. guy you'd want to consume at least 150 grams of protein upward to 300 grams of protein a day.

Muscle Mass Ingredient #2 – More Carbs

Despite what Dr. Atkins said, for all us skinny guys "Carbs are GOOD". We need carbs as a source of energy. But you don't want to consume just any ‘ol carbs. You want to consume a lot of complex carbs rather than simple carbs.

In other words, you still want to stay away from the sweets and simple sugars that are found in a lot of our junk food, and you want to consume more complex carbs like those found in whole wheat bread, brown rice, sweet potatoes, whole grain cereals, yams, spinach etc.

Why complex carbs? Because unlike simple carbs (sugars) it's virtually impossible to turn complex carbs into fat – which means more energy to burn (work out with) and less fat to deal with in the end.

If you want to build muscle mass fast, ideally you'd want to consume 2 – 3 grams of carbs for each pound of bodyweight a day.

Muscle Mass Ingredient #3 – Heavy Weight Training

You cannot build muscle mass without "Heavy weight training". Let's just put it this way "the more stress (heavy weight) you put on your muscles, the more it will grow". And it's simply because when you put extreme stress on your muscle by lifting heavy weights, your body responds (builds more muscle) so that next time it won't be as hard or strenuous on your body to lift the same weight.

Ideally, if you want to build muscle mass – lean muscle mass to be more specific, you'd want to lift weights that allow you to do 6-8 reps and no more.

Of course there's a whole lot more to building muscle mass, but if you follow these 3 key ingredients you'll be on the road to building lean muscle mass quickly and a whole lot easier than you ever thought possible. Good luck and grow "Massive".

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Body Building

body building
Millions of people are presently moving to gyms and fitness centers for acquiring proper body and strength. In the world of body building the key constituent of its success is proper nutrition. The Nutrition is the common food supplements that give one the raw materials for convalescence, growth and energy. With no good diet, our dreams of attaining ideal body will by no means be reached.

A number of of the frequent body building technique includes the process involving, the lifting gradually elevating the amount of weight. The bodybuilding routine uses an assortment of exercises and varied types of apparatus to intend the specific muscle group. The result of the bodybuilding are much greater and firmer than that of the other muscular exercise regime, it helps in the improving endurance enhanced in the muscle tone and appearance, also improves ones cardiovascular strength and mostly improves the bone density. The bodybuilding process is mostly an anaerobic action, although some of the proponents include customized it to offer the recompense of the common aerobic workout. The bodybuilding differs from the variety of weightlifting, weight training and power lifting; these are the exercise instruction rather than the form of work out. Still, the bodybuilding is frequently a division of those training regimen.

Well as we know that nutrition plays a great role in bodybuilding routine, therefore, all the novice bodybuilders in look for of immediate muscle mass must follow at least 5 days of elevated calories “lean body accumulation x 15” with 2 days of lesser caloric intake “lean body accumulation x12”. The Bodybuilders who are in seek out of losing his extra fat while shaping strength at the similar time must follow at least 5 days of lesser caloric intake “the lean body mass x12” by means of two days of superior calories the lean body accumulation x 15”.

One should Note: while you build up muscle and drop your fat at the similar time one will not put on muscle as rapid as one would if he just concerned in the muscle mass. Though, one get to acquire both the goals accomplished on the equal time.

Moreover people concerned in bodybuilding should alternate among 2 weeks of lesser calories all around “2000” for man and “1200” for women and two or more weeks of elevated calories all around “2500” for men and “1500” for females. Those who are involved in the activities like the marathon runner or in the heavy physical work need to regulate his calories upwards consequently mostly in the shape of carbohydrates with arrange to support ones higher level of activities.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Jacked for Summer

Summer Training Program

Tired of getting sand kicked in your face! Want Biceps like a real man? Let me show you how to get jacked for summer! Although you will not build all that much of “real muscle” in 6 weeks or so, you can condition and firm your muscles and add blood flow enough to appear “jacked”. The firmness and added blood flow will give you the appearance of “bigger muscles”. It is not that I want you to stop at that; I wish all of you would continue weight training to slowly add real muscle mass progressively over the years. Weight training is great for you, certainly underestimated by many health “experts”, and has great positive externalities. You will look better, sexier, and your general state of health will be substantially improved. This program will quickly get you jacked for summer and, more importantly, may start you on a more serious program of weight training that will yield fantastic long-term results along with a marked improvement in physical health!

muscles for summer

Some Basic Concepts:

Starting Out:
A very basic and simple point: don’t kill yourself! If you haven’t been inside of a gym in years, or especially if you don’t know what the inside of a gym looks like, please don’t kill yourself! Start slow the first week. Use light weights and take it easy for the first two sessions. If I had a nickel for ever time I saw some idiot going gun ho the first day and then being barely being able to move for the next two weeks, I would be up about $100,000 by now! The first week go real slow and light. One session, rest a day, another session, then rest two days. The second week every other day for three sessions, then rest two days. The second week start going a little heavier. The third week on go harder and exercise every other day. Rest every other day and eat well. Good rest and good nutrition are as important as the workout; you need to know this!

Reps and Poundage:
Start very light to condition your muscles for the first few sessions. It’s not that you have to be too wimpish either, just use some good judgment. If you are sore the next day then it will slow you down for the next few sessions. So you don’t gain anything by overdoing it; you lose precious time! After the first week you can get into some heavier weights. Use enough weight so that you can do about ten reps without killing yourself. You don’t want to be too easy either; so ten reps at that weight should exhaust your muscles. Remember an essential point: if you don’t feel the exhaustion on the particular muscle after a particular exercise then you did not properly work the muscle!

Supersets and Alternates:
A very important lesson to understand! This is an advanced technique, which will go a long way to get you jacked in a short amount of time! A “superset” is simply two or more sets of different exercises done back to back with little or no rest in between. Once you understand how to work this idea into your program, you will be impressed with the effectiveness in giving your muscles a great overall workout and a tremendous pump. “Alternates” are simply supersets which somehow involve opposing muscle groups. Supersets of alternates are great in doing arms!!! Superset bicep exercises with triceps. Do a set of curls, take a brief 15 - 20 second rest to catch your breath, then immediately do a set of triceps. Take a longer 60 - 90 second rest then repeat. Do this for three to five supersets. This works really well for arms.

The arm, biceps in particular, are what many people think of when the think of muscular development. Arms are important but of course not all important. In bodybuilding you should strive for a good all around build. We will focus on three areas of arm development: biceps, triceps, and the forearm.


1. Curls:
This is generally the best exercise for jacked up biceps, but there are several variations to know.

Alternate Dumbbell curls: You can do these standing or sitting. I recommend the seated variation because it tends to reduce the tendency of swinging your arms to raise the weight and of bending the back to swing the weights. This is a method of “cheating” which is not recommended. Sitting, therefore, reduces the tendency to cheat in the lift. Pick up the dumbbells with each hand and sit on a flat bench with your back straight. With palms facing inward, lift one dumbbell toward your shoulder. As you lift, turn your wrist gradually toward the front so that when you reach the top position, your palm is facing directly at your shoulder. This gradual turning of the wrist gives the forearm a workout as you work the bicep. After you reach the top, slowly lower the arm back to the relaxed position, again turning the wrist in the process. Remember: let you bicep do all the work, don’t swing the back and don’t try to use momentum is swinging the weights. As you bring the weight of one hand toward its lowest position, begin to raise the other weight. Do this alternately for the desired reps and for the desired sets.

Barbell curls:
This essentially works the same muscles. So why do both? Because each different exercise involving the same muscle group will put a slightly different stress on the muscle. The muscle adapts according to the principle of adaptive stress. I intend to discuss this principle in a future article - I hope you will look for it! Suffice to say for now that any progress made in weight training is due to the body’s ability to adapt to stresses put on it by external forces; in the gym as well as in nature. By purposely stressing the body in a particular way we are able to achieve a certain result. In other words, we lift heavy weights and the body adapts by becoming bigger and stronger.

Stand in front of a straight bar with feet a little less than shoulder width apart. Bend to lift to bar. REMEMBER: always bend the knees when lifting heavy weight to ease the strain on the lower back!!! With palms facing forward, grip the bar - this is what is known as a “curl grip“. Slowly straighten your legs, lifting the bar “with your legs”. Now, standing with your back straight, lift the bar using your biceps only. Be careful not to swing the weight or bend the back. Lift slowly then hold for two seconds, lower the bar slowly keeping your back perfectly straight! Do this for the desired reps and for the desired sets.

Preacher Curls:
Now for the advanced stuff! Start these the third week into the program. In order to do these you need to have what is known as a curl bar, a shorter slightly bent bar used for curls. You also need what is known as a preacher bench. This is a small seat with slanted padding in front and a small slot in front of the padding to rest the bar. Most gyms have these in the fee-weight room. If you don’t have access to one you can skip this altogether. Load the bar with the desired weight and place it in the slot in front of the bench. Pick up the bar from the seated position or if you cannot reach it stand then sit. Rest your arms on the front padding while holding the weight. Now slowly lift the weight until your biceps are fully flexed. Hold for two seconds, and then slowly lower the weight. Repeat for the desired reps and for the desired sets. Preacher Curls are great because it is very difficult to cheat by swinging your body or by using “body English”. Do enough of these and I guarantee your arms will be jacked in no time!


Tricep Extensions:
For this exercise you will need a Universal machine or a machine specifically made for this exercise. Most gyms will have one or the other. Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart at the machine with the desired weight loaded. Grip the handle. Keep your back straight and your arms at your side. Now pull the weight by bending your elbows until your arms are fully extended. Let your triceps do all the work! Hold for two seconds. SLOWLY return the weight by raising your forearms again at the elbow.

Please remember: the upper arms stay rigid and motionless at your side, move only your elbows! That way you isolate the triceps in the exercise. I have seen too many people do this incorrectly! Do this for the desired reps and for the desired sets.

Scull Crushers:
Don’t let the name scare you! For this you need the curl bar again. Lying on your back on a flat bench with the weighted bar on the floor by your head, reach down and grip the bar with on overhand grip and bring the weight directly over your head with your arms fully extended. Now, keeping you upper arms pointing upwards, bend your elbows bringing the weight down toward your head. The bottom position should bring the bar about a half-inch above the bridge of your nose. Now extend your elbows back to the top position While doing this exercise, you should keep your upper arms reasonably straight, though you may bend them back slightly In the bottom position. Repeat for the desired reps and for the desired sets.


This can be done with either dumbbells or a long barbell. Although I mostly do them with dumbbells, I recommend you use both methods. It is a good thing to generally mix your program from time to time to prevent your body from becoming too conditioned to a single routine. Sitting on a bench lift the dumbbells or barbell off the floor with a curl grip. Resting your forearms on your knees, perform curls with your wrist. With palms facing upward simply bend the wrist as far as you comfortably can. Repeat for the desired reps and for the desired sets. Alternate and superset this exercise with the one below.

Wrist Twists:
Knell in front of a flat bench resting your forearms on the bench with a light dumbbell in each hand, your hands with the dumbbells hanging off the opposite edge of the bench. Now simply twist your wrist from side to side repeatedly until they are exhausted. Do this exercise first, then take a short rest and go immediately to a set of wrist curls. After a longer rest repeat this superset a few more times.

So much for the arms. Follow this program and by the sixth week in I guarantee you will be noticeably jacked! Keep in mind, of course, that we have only discussed arms. We still need to get into the proper way to train other parts of the body. I do intend to get deeper into these maters in future articles. Please watch for my next article for some great tips on doing shoulders, pecks and back.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Use Superset To Build Big Muscles

big muscles

If you have been lifting weights for sometime or have been reading bodybuilding magazines and journals, you would have probably heard of super setting. However, how often have you seen people super setting when weight lifting? If you did, did you notice those guys who were super setting were almost invariably the bigger boys. If you want to be big, then why didn’t you superset like them since you have seen that super setting can help you build big muscles?

What is weight lifting superset? A superset is when you perform two exercises back to back with no rest in between the exercises. There are a few variations of superset such as, antagonistic muscle superset, pre-exhaustion superset and post exhaustion superset…..etc. We will discuss just these 3 of the more popular supersets in this article.

Antagonistic Muscles Superset

An antagonistic super set is when you exercise opposite muscle group. Although they are opposite muscles, they actually support each muscle during your movements. For example, when you do dumb bell curls for your biceps, when you lower the dumb bells, your triceps are called into action as well. Similarly for the negative movement of a bench press, your back is working too like when you are doing the bent over row.

So for example of an antagonistic superset on your, say chest and back day, do a bench press routine then follow up with a bent over row or vice versa. That will be one superset. Rest for 2-3 minutes and then proceed with the second set and so on. This will work the muscles involved more deeply than mere straight sets.

Pre-exhaustion Superset

In a pre-exhaustion superset, you work on the same muscle group with an isolation exercise and then follow up with a compound exercise without rest in between sets. For example, still on your chest and back day, you work out with dumb bell flyes (chest isolation exercise) then immediately thereafter with a bench press (chest compound exercise).

By performing with an isolation exercise first (flyes), you pre-exhuast the targeted muscles you are working on, which in this instance are your pectorals (pecs) and then hit your pecs hard again with a compound movement (bench press) that allows other muscles that are still fresh such as your deltoids and triceps to assist your pecs in the exercise.

Post – Exhaustion Superset

Another version of super setting is the post-exhaustion method. It is the exact reverse of the pre-exhaustion. In other words, lift compound exercise first and then follow up with an isolation exercise for the same muscle group. It will allow you to lift heavier weight for the compound exercise because your targeted muscle group is not pre-exhausted yet.

Vary each of these various forms of superset every 2 – 3 months and watch your muscles explode with big massive muscle growth.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Weight Training

The Weight training is a form of exercise where one is able to develop the skeletal muscle as well as the physical strength of his or her body. Millions of people all over the world choose to take care of their health and therefore, the weight training program is in immense height at the present time. The weight training program is the common sort of resistance exercise and can also be called as the strength or the power training. When it is accurately performed, weight training mainly provides up significant useful profit results and improvement in ones general health and well-being.

If one wants to lose and decrease fat or alter our body, the majority important things one can do is lifting the weights. The referred Diet and cardio given by the trainer and consultants are equally important for the weight training program, but while it comes to altering how ones body looks, the weight training wins hands along. If one hesitates to create a strength or power training program, it might motivate one to know that the lifting up of the weights can do that:

It is not that the weight training program are used for the weigh gain only, it is rather used as the weight loss program too also giving and providing strength to the body.

Well when Getting started with the strength training one may be very confusing—as of what exercises be supposed to do? What and How many reps and sets to be done? How a large amount weight should be put on? The schedule one chooses resolve to be based on ones fitness goal as well as the apparatus you have obtained and the point one have for workouts.

Some of the common weight training technique includes the method involving the lifting progressively elevating the quantity of weight. The Weight training uses a selection of exercises and diverse types of apparatus to aim the specific muscle group. The reimbursement of the weight training are much greater muscular strength, it helps in the increased endurance enhanced muscle tone and look, also improves cardiovascular fitness and mostly enhanced bone density.

The Weight training is mostly an anaerobic action, though some of the proponents have customized it to provide the recompense of the aerobic workout. The Weight training differs from the various weightlifting, power lifting, and bodybuilding; these are the sports rather than the form of work out. However, the Weight training is frequently a branch of those training regimen.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Trainings For Specific Muscles

trainings for specific muscles

Chest Training

The common error here is doing too many bench presses and neglecting the upper-pectoral area. In most people the lower pecs are easy to build, especially by doing lots of bench presses. But after doing only flat-bench work, you’ll develop an imbalance between the upper and lower pecs, with a noticeable lack of muscle density in the upper area. You can do bench presses, but make sure you include more upper-pec exercises, such as incline presses and incline flyes. Doing bench presses to the neck is also great for thickening a deficient upper chest.

Shoulder Training

While various types of shoulder press exercises help to thicken the shoulders, they do little to improve the shape in this area. For this you need to do side laterals and rear laterals. Many bodybuilders frequently neglect the rear deltoid, which results in a lopsided, unbalanced deltoid development that looks especially bad from side and back angles. Usually, doing more than one pressing exercise during a shoulder routine is wasted effort. Top professional bodybuilder Vince Corner-ford succinctly points out why he does only one pressing exercise for shoulders by noting, "Why travel down the same street twice." All pressing exercises concentrate mainly on the front deltoid, so why do two or three press exercises when they all work the same area?

Back Mistakes

The problems here involve poor form and incomplete range of exercise motion. In bent-over rowing exercises it’s common to see excessive body motion, or throwing the weight. This places excessive strain on the lower back that often results in serious injury. Another problem is not doing a full contraction. Many bodybuilders like to use a 150-pound dumbbell for one-arm rows and raise the weight about four inches. Then they wonder why they lack back development. Take a hint from Lee Haney, who uses only a 75-pound dumbbell in one-arm rows, yet he has developed one of the most impressive backs in bodybuilding history. He goes all the way up.

Thigh Training

When doing squats, some bodybuilders drop down too fast and bounce on their knees. This inevitably leads to damaged knees. Research shows that squats don’t harm knee joints unless you use poor form. Do the exercise slow and controlled for best results. If you do leg extensions, start the exercise with your knees in a 90-degree angle to your feet. Any more than this hyperextends the knee joint, which lacks protection at this angle. Doing leg extensions in poor form is just as dangerous as doing squats in poor form.

Calf Training

When doing standing calf raises, always keep your knee joint locked. Doing this exercise with bent knees shifts the focus from calves to the large, flat muscle lying beneath the calves (soleus). It’s better to reserve the soleus work for exercises such as seated calf raises.

Arm Training

The primary error with arm training is excessive cheating and failure to do a complete range of motion. Make sure you do full reps, and lower the weight all the way for full muscle development. With triceps training it’s important to warm up the elbow joint with a few light, high-rep (15 repetitions or more) sets to prevent injuries. This list is by no means exhaustive but it does point out a few common errors that could slow down gains.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Plain Muscle And Strength

Plain Muscle And Strength

Never train through injuries. If an injury does not clear up quickly by itself, see a training-orientated injury specialist. Investigate the probable trigger of the injury (incorrect training), correct it, and do not let it happen again. And when you get an injury, investigate non-intrusive and non-drug therapies.

Those who hoist the biggest poundages do not necessarily have the biggest muscles. It is not just sheer poundage that matters. Individual leverages, type of training used, lifting support gear (in powerlifting), muscle composition factors, neurological efficiency, and lifting technique, among other elements, account for differences in muscular development among individuals of similar strength levels. But for every individual—keeping all other factors constant—if bigger weights are built up to, then bigger muscles will be developed.

Focus on the big basic lifts and their variations. Do this for most of your training time. Do not try to build yourself up using tools of detail. Leg extensions do not build big thighs, and pecdeck work does not build big chests.

You cannot get very powerful in the big and key basic exercises without getting impressive throughout your body.

For appearance-first bodybuilders, only when you are already big and strong (but without having gotten fat) should you even consider concerning yourself with attaining outstanding definition, and the finishing touches of perfect balance and symmetry. Build the substance before you concern yourself with the detail. Perfectly proportioned and well cut up “bags of bones” do not look impressive. If you concern yourself too soon with detail work, as is nearly always the case with bodybuilders, you will never be able to apply the effort, focus and recuperative ability needed to get big in the first place. What is by far the biggest deficiency in a typical sampling of gym trainees? Plain muscle and strength. Despite this most trainees arrange their training so that the last things they will ever develop are lots of muscle and strength.

If you want to add two inches to your arms, for example, bank on having to add thirty or more pounds of muscle to your whole body. You cannot do that by focusing your attention on your arms. Get your body growing as a unit, concentrating largely on leg and back work. About two thirds of your body’s total muscle mass is in your legs, buttocks and back. The shoulders, chest, abdominals and arms only make up about a third of your muscle mass, so do not go giving those areas in total any more than one third of your total weight-training attention.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Competitive Bodybuilding And Powerlifting

Competitive Bodybuilding

While competitive bodybuilding and powerlifting act as terrific deadline creators, do not enter without expecting competition from drug users. Testing is either non-existent or such a joke that some of the most prominent “naturals” are well-juiced.

A much more realistic and fair type of competition is to set up something informal with a training partner, friend or pen pal. Make it bodyweight related for maximum reps for each exercise, e.g., squat 150% bodyweight, bench press bodyweight, and barbell curl 50% bodyweight. Set the date of the competition a few months away, structure a training cycle to peak on the meet day, gear yourself up for it, apply yourself with zeal to the preparatory training, and then give forth of your very best on the big day.

Alternatively, compete with yourself. Add an end-of-cycle test day to each of your programs. On the test day perform a fixed challenge workout radically different from how you normally train. Each time you do it, give your all to bettering what you did the previous time. Take a few days rest from your previous workout prior to the test session. Here are some suggestions:

Maximum reps in the squat with 100, 135 or 185 pounds.
Maximum reps in the bench press with 135 pounds.
Maximum reps in the deadlift with 150 or 200 pounds.

You could impose a time limit if the reps will be very high, e.g., maximum reps within 15 minutes; and you could use percentages of bodyweight rather than fixed weights. You could even get away from regular weight-training exercises for competition days, or use a mixture. Use your imagination and find some movements you would enjoy performing. For example, you could perform your maximum number of floor pushups (perhaps put a time limit on it), walk with a given pair of heavy objects for time, hold a 2-inch bar loaded to 100 pounds for time, etc.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Does Men's Body Size Matter?

Men's Body Size

Many men who join a gym have the same goals in their head – they either want to lose weight and tighten up or they want to get big and put on muscle. If you ask the men who do women prefer, the lean fit guy or the big muscular guy, would their answer come out even? And which body type do women actually prefer their men to have? A recent survey carried out by Men’s Fitness Magazine of 3000 participants, both men and women, may shock you.

Add More Muscle

Compared to last year, when only 43% of men said they wanted to add more muscle, the 2008 survey revealed that a staggering 87% of men now want to add muscle and shape-up. When the women were asked the same question it showed that 58% preferred more muscle on a man. It won’t shock you to know then that when both were asked who their favourite celebrity body was, the answer for both was the same – Daniel Craig as James Bond.

“Muscular men are considered to be more dominant than weedy-looking chaps because being physically imposing implies you are more confident,” says Dr Kerri McPherson (Health Psychologist at Glasgow Caledonian University) when asked by Men’s Fitness.

Important to Have a Good Body

When it comes to whether or not it’s important to have a good body, it’s amazing how image-conscious the world has become. Out of the 3000 individuals surveyed, 97% said that it was important to have a good body, up by 10% when compared to the results in 2007.

Even though both side believe that having a great body is important, their views vary slightly when it comes to how far they’re willing to go to get that perfect body. 23% of the men would consider having plastic surgery, whereas 30% of women were open to the idea of going under the knife.

Just the Way You Are

Sometimes it’s good to know that you’re liked just the way you are. When the 3000 individuals were asked about their favourite body shapes, the results were as follows: 42% of men said they liked women to be curvy, 37% said athletic, 14% said slender and 7% said busty. When the women were asked the same question the survey revealed that 58% of women preferred men to be muscular, 21% said slim, 11% said chunky and 10% said cuddly.

It’s time to recognise that the gym, especially the weights area, is no longer just for athletes and for massive men who grunt and groan, it should be used by everyone if they want to reach their goal. The majority has voted – it’s time to hit those weights.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Water Workouts

Water Workouts

According to the Medical University of South Carolina’s Nutrition Services, water makes up 60% of male bodies and 50% of females. The human body requires water to rid itself of toxins, increase blood volume, and regulate temperature. It hydrates, cleanses and keeps the body in balance. Immersing in water lowers heart rate. It’s no surprise that water workouts have enormous aerobic and anaerobic benefits as well.

Water workouts versus Weight Training

Water is 700 times denser than air which encourages excellent resistance training. With weight training a muscle group contracts and releases, pulling against gravity, then lowering or resisting gravity, known as concentric and eccentric motions. Because of water’s dense properties, a muscle’s first (concentric) movement and second (eccentric) movement have equal resistance. Using equipment such as buoyancy belts, flotation cuffs, resistance tubing, and water dumbbells and barbells increase resistance. Water workouts enhance and promote muscle strength and tone. Combining water workouts with a weight training routine is a phenomenal way to reshape and increase muscle definition.

Cardiovascular and Endurance Benefits

The cooling properties of water allow the body to perform strongly for longer periods of time that result in fresh blood flow and nutrients to all parts of the body. This increased circulation provides oxygen to the muscles and requires less effort from the heart. Virtually all muscles in the body are engaged during swimming or during a 30 minute water workout. Water workouts can be done daily without the risk of overtraining, thus increasing one’s endurance. Although land-based cardio exercise such as running or fast walking improve heart function, they predominately work the lower body and require more oxygen to maintain the same pace as a vigorous water workout. These higher impact exercises require rest between workouts and are more likely to result in over training or strain to the bones and joints.

Less Stress on Bones and Joints

Because of water’s buoyancy, injury is nearly non-existent. Water massages muscles, bones, and joints while it strengthens those same components of the body. A 130 pound woman weighs 13 pounds in neck-deep water, so much less stress is put on the body. Water workouts provide an excellent means of exercise for those afflicted with arthritis or osteoporosis; pregnant women; obese individuals, and athletes suffering from sports-related injuries. Because of buoyancy, joints are supported and have greater range of motion that enhances flexibility. With flexible joints, susceptibility to injury is decreased.

Water workouts have enormous benefits by themselves or coupled with land-based exercises. Depending upon the intensity of the workout, water aerobics or swimming can be equal to land-based exercises, in terms of overall physiological benefits. With proper technique and a regular training program, water workouts can strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, and increase cardio health.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Fat Burning And Healthy Meals Recipes

healthy meals recipes

A fat burning recipe is actually a part of healthy meals recipes and it is utmost easy, and at the same time yummy. The advantage of these recipes is besides being healthy, they eradicate the tension which overweight people go through during a weight-loss program. Here, we are presenting some such recipes. Even you can create such kinds of simple recipes creating your own combinations.

Our first delicacy is Mexican pizza. For its preparation, you will require whole wheat pitas, a teaspoon of oregano, 2-3 tablespoons of diced pineapple, a piece of cooked and crumbled turkey bacon, 1/3 cup of pre-cooked chicken breast, pasta sauce according to your choice, cup of low-fat mozzarella and pepper to taste. Firstly, preheat the oven to 425 C. While waiting for the oven to get heated, top the pitas with all the contents and then bake for 10 to 12 minutes. This pizza offers merely 410 kcal per piece and is extremely tasty.

Yet another yummy delicacy is a soup prepared from butternut squash and coconut milk. To make this, you will need 6 cups of peeled and cubed butternut squash, a small chopped onion, cup of sherry, white wine or rice vinegar, 1 can of coconut milk, 1 heaped tbsp of Thai green curry paste, 1 tbsp of peanut oil and 1 cup of chicken or vegetable broth. Cut all the veggies. Shallow fry onion till it is soft and transparent. Apply wine, rice vinegar or sherry to the pan and deglaze it. Add all the other things. Cook on a low flame till the squash becomes soft. Grind well to form a puree in a hand mixer, take out and enjoy. This fat burning recipe is one of the most mouthwatering healthy meals recipes and renders merely 188 kcal per serving.

Here is one more mouthwatering dish containing miscellaneous food items like fruits, veggies, eggs, and turkey bacon. All of them are fat decreasing food items and you can combine them to make a tasty recipe to satisfy your taste buds. The required ingredients are cup of sliced ripe avocado, 2 to 3 cups of spinach, an orange, 2 whole eggs, 3 egg whites, cup of salsa and 3 pieces of turkey bacon. To make it, take two different pans, one for preparing turkey bacon and other for cooking spinach with eggs. Till the turkey bacon cooks, keep spinach on flame and add eggs in it and stir well. Put oranges, some of the turkey bacon and avocado to the egg-spinach blend and after some time, turn the heat off and take it in a plate Garnish the top with salsa and add the all the other bacon and enjoy. It gives merely 510 kcal per serving.

And now, here is a recipe for those of you who like confectionary the most. It is a parfait of banana and chocolate. You will require 1 cup sugar-free, fat-free instant pudding mix, 2 tablespoons of shaved dark chocolate, a banana and 8 tablespoons of sugar-free cold whip. Make the pudding reading the instructions given on the pack and in two glasses make layers of banana, cold whip and pudding twice. Keep in the fridge to cool and while serving garnish the top with shaved chocolate and take the pleasure. This tasty parfait offers only 115 kcal per serving.

A balanced diet means getting the right types and amounts of foods and drinks You can make each fat burning recipes from these during the time of your campaign of trying healthy meals recipes. You will without doubt be entertained trying and eating them.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Tips For Healthy Living

healthy living

In human being way of life it has become important to pay attention to existing recommendations to keep you contemporary, nicely balanced and enthusiastic throughout the day. Lifestyle a nicely balanced life is one of the most pleasant and nutrients one can do for their health and well-being. There are certain existing recommendations that help people to stay with power and cheerfulness.

Awaken beginning and meditate

By rising beginning you hook up with characteristics, enjoy the sun increase and you give a new beginning to the day. One can practice life shifting deep breathing methods and perform them beginning every day. Doing such deep breathing in the day can help people to have more understanding, aim and vitality needed for the rest of the day.

Sustain you diet

Maintaining a well nicely balanced having plan is the most important living recommendations because it assists people to be enthusiastic and powerful. One should absorption food at the right time no matter what his measurements. One of the best ways to appropriate your having plan is by taking more water, having fruit and veggies.

Check out your medical professional once in a while

People can guarantee that their body is healthy by checking out the medical professional once in a while for a overall wellness examination. Let the medical professional do program testing to make sure your blood demand level and cholestrerol levels is under actual level. Take all the other required testing that guarantee your wellness.

Exercise yoga exercise and exercises

Healthy living recommendations and obtaining actions that has become a part of yourself is the key to a long and balanced life.

Training yoga exercise and doing training for 30-40 mins every day can aid in fat loss, growing energy and energy and reducing the possibilities of any main ailments.

Visit your medical professional once in a while

People can guarantee that their body is nicely balanced by checking out the medical professional once in a while for a overall wellness examination. Let the medical professional do program testing to develop sure your body demand level and cholestrerol levels is under actual level. Take all the other required testing that guarantee your wellness.

Advantages of training deep breathing and Yoga

Among the other existing recommendations, individuals give magnitude for deep breathing and yoga exercises due to the following reasons

  • It assists them to decrease or remove day-to-day stress
  • To increase learning potential, storage and concentration
  • It makes them feel more comfortable and remove depression
  • It assists them to have a higher operation mind
  • It allows them to see day-to-day problem more clearly and find nicely balanced solutions
  • To have more endurance in demanding situation
  • It assists you to decrease your body pressure
  • To experience clear thinking without the disruption of any mind music.

Hence by examining and embracing the above described recommendations for existing one can lead a pleased day-to-day life.

Ultimate 30's Workout

Increase the amount of testosterone and growth hormone your body produces by working multiple muscle groups and keeping rest periods short. For cardio, your lactate threshold can still be increased throughout your thirties, so intervals are king to counter any loss of lung power.

Ultimate 40's Workout

Short, sharp shocks are the way to fire up your body in your middle years - which means you can forget long-winded weights workouts. Vary exercises, intensity and timings to keep your muscles guessing.

Ultimate 50's Workout

You may not be able to lift the heaviest weight, but that's okay. Instead, stretching and yoga should be part of your training, and body-weight moves can replace heavy workouts. Do three sets of 10 reps of the following exercises to protect your joints and maintain muscle mass and testosterone.