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Supported Single-Arm Dumbbell Row

Supported Single-Arm Dumbbell Row

Hold a dumbbell in your right hand, place your left hand on a bench in front of you, and assume a staggered stance, left foot forward. Hold your elbow in as you row the wight to the side of your torso. Do 10 reps, switch arms and leg positions, and repeat the movement.

Dumbbell Triceps Kickback

Dumbbell Triceps Kickback

Grab a pair of dumbbells, bend your knees and lean forward so your torso is nearly parallel to the floor. Tuck your upper arms next to your sides, bend your elbows, and hold your forearms about parallel to the floor, palms facing up. Simultaneously extend your arms straight back and rotate the weight so your palms end up facing each other. Return to the starting position. Do 15 reps.

Dumbbell Hammer Curl and Press

Dumbbell Hammer Curl and Press

Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, hold a pair of dumbbells at arm's length by your sides, palms facing each other. Without moving your upper arms, curl the weights to your shoulders, and then press them overhead until your arms are straight. Reverse the move to return to the starting position. Do 10 reps.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Core Revelations

Use These Tips And Shortcuts To Unmask A Six-Pack

core revelations


It's familiar advice that achieving a six-pack is 30 per cent training, 70 per cent nutrition. But that doesn't mean Living on brown rice and whey. "After consistent 'clean' eating, your metabolism can slow down," says personal trainer and body anatomy expert Joe Lightfoot. "One carb-heavy meal a week can kickstart your fat loss and refuel your energy." Make Sunday spag bol day.


Start taking things to work. "Anti-lateral flexion movements, such as holding a heavy bag in one hand, work your abs because you are forced to resist a side-bending motion," says Lightfoot. "They also give a big metabolic hit." Alternate your holding arm, tensing your abs as you walk. Up the intensity by taking stairs two at a time. And try not to drop your bag.


"You need vitamin D to avoid muscle wastage and maintain fat burn," says Lightfoot, who recommends dairy foods as a healthy source. Try a yoghurt that's been supplemented with vitamin D - you'll save on empty kilojoules from fatty, sugary desserts. Vitamin D also helps the body absorb calcium, which is vital for bone strength.


Exercise doesn't have to involve hardcore gym sessions. "The key to maintaining a Lean physique and developing visible abs is to increase non-exercise physical activity," says Lightfoot. "Walk around during TV ad breaks, park further away from destinations, use a shopping basket instead of a trolley, and always opt for the stairs."


Train more of your core in half the time. Regular crunches put your abs through just half of their potential range of motion, but performing myotatic crunches lets you extend them fully, activating your hard-to-hit inner core as well. Lie on a Bosu ball, with your knees bent. Crunch up and extend all the way back as you return, curving your spine. Resist the temptation to trampoline.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Active Recovery

A Typical Workout Includes 24 Minutes Of Wasted Time Between Sets

If half a minute is all you have, use your rest time to get vice-like power. "Don't throw out yesterday's newspaper," says personal trainer Mark Anthony. "Hold the tip of a sheet with one arm outstretched and your palm down. Crush the page into a ball."
WHY: "This builds concentric strength in your forearm flexors and wrist muscles," he says. So you can dish out a killer serve - or handshake - whenever needed.
grip strength

Take a leaf out of J.J. Abrams' book: it's time to produce a Super 8. "Stand with your legs hip-width apart, bend forward and pass a medicine ball between your legs in a figure-of-eight, as fast as you can." says fitness consultant James Ellis.
WHY: Done regularly, this will improve your motor skills and reaction time by up to 300 per cent, according to a study by Roehampton University.
improved coordination

Step away from the main gun show - it's time to check out the side stalls. "Hold a medicine ball over your head, standing 20 centimeters away from a wall." says strength and conditioning coach Brendan Chaplin. "Bounce and catch the ball 20 times with each arm."
WHY: "This challenges your rotator cuff and shoulder stabilizers for noticeable gains," he explains. It will power everything from your swimming stroke to your golf swing.
stronger shoulders

Grandpa isn't the only one who should worry about balance. "Close your eyes and lift one leg off the floor, balancing a tennis ball on the corresponding palm with your arm outstretched," says Ellis. "Change hands each time you drop it."
WHY: "The removal of a fixed visual point improves your natural balance," he explains. This will help with almost every sport.
better balance

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Crossfit Workout

CrossFit is a cutting-edge training science that's spreading around the world like a workout wildfire, and the best news is that you don't need to join a CrossFit gym or box to harness it's powerful benefits. Here are nine moves, most of which you can do on your own as long as you have a few key items: a barbell (can be replaced by a kettlebell or a set of dumbbells) and a pull-up bar (or equivalent).

1. Squat
Start with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Push your hips backwards and lower your butt towards the ground while keeping your torso upright. Keep lowering until your hips sink below the level of your kneecaps (so that your upper legs pass below being parallel with the floor), then push up explosively to the start.
MAKE IT EASIER: Make it an air squat (without weights).
MAKE IT HARDER: Increase the weight.

2. Strict Pull-Up
Start with a full grip (thumbs around the bar), your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Pull yourself upwards until your chin is over the bar. Lower to the start so that your arms are totally straight.
strict pull-up
MAKE IT EASIER: Loop an elastic band around the bar, and then place your foot on the band to help lift your weight. Also, jumping pull-ups let you use momentum to help lift your chin over the bar.
MAKE IT HARDER: Hold a dumbbell between your legs.

3. Box Jump
Start the movement by bending your knees and swinging your arms backwards. As your arms swing forwards again, use the momentum and jump up as powerfully as you can. Land with both feet on the platform as gently as possible, and then stand up straight so that your hips are extended. Step back down to the start and repeat.
box jump
MAKE IT EASIER: Use a lower platform, and step down each time.
MAKE IT HARDER: Increase the height of your platform.

4. Dip
These are best done on a dip station, but you can improvise by doing them between two chairs or by placing your hands behind you on a bed or table. Start with an upright torso, and your hands grasping the arms of a chair or flat on a table behind you. Lower your torso by bending at the elbows. Push back powerfully to the start.
MAKE IT EASIER: Take up some of your body weight by placing your feet on the floor. You can also use an elastic band to make this easier.
MAKE IT HARDER: Hold a dumbbell in between your legs.

5. Burpee
Start standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower to the floor and get into a push-up position by extending your feet behind you so that you're in a plank position. Do a strict push-up, and then jump into a deep squat position with your arms bent at your sides. Your heels should be down on the floor, and your back straight. Then jump up powerfully.
MAKE IT EASIER: Rest your knees on the ground during the push-up.
MAKE IT HARDER: Jump onto a box at the end of every rep.

6. Dead Lift
Stand with your feet between hip and shoulder-width apart. Keeping your back straight, bend at the hip to reach down and grasp the bar in an overhand or mixed grip, hands a few inches wider than shoulder-width apart. Breathe in deeply and pull upwards, keeping the bar in touch with your shins and thighs until you are standing straight with it at arms length.
dead lift
MAKE IT EASIER: Do this with just a PVC pipe, or barbell with no plates.
MAKE IT HARDER: Add more weight.

7. Thruster
Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and either holding a barbell across your chest or dumbbells just above your shoulders, elbows at 90-degrees and your palms facing up. Start the movement by doing a squat (as described in Move 1). Once your butt has passed below the level of your knees, push powerfully back up. Use the momentum to help press the barbell up overhead until your arms are completely straight, and your head is in front of the bar.
MAKE IT EASIER: Start with an easier weight.
MAKE IT HARDER: Complete "Fran" with regulation weight in 7 minutes.

8. Power Clean
Hold a barbell on the floor, hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Start by pressing down through your heels while keeping your arms straight. The power comes from the powerful hip extension. As soon as your hips are fully extended, lower down slightly into a partial squat and rotate your elbows forward so that you get under the barbell. Finish by extending your hips again, so that you're standing straight.
power clean
MAKE IT EASIER: Use a lighter weight (or a barbell without any plates).
MAKE IT HARDER: Add more weight to the barbell.

9. Handstand Push-Up
Start by placing a mat or cushion in front of a wall, and then get into a handstand position with your back closest to the wall and your feet resting on it. Start lowering your body down towards the floor by bending at the elbows. Control the descent, and once your head touches the mat gently, press powerfully back to the start so that your arms are straight.
handstand push-up
MAKE IT EASIER: Use a modified push-up move, where you place your knees on a raised platform and then do the handstand push-ups.
MAKE IT HARDER: Make it a deeper drop by using paralletes.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Vitamin D Your Fat Burner

fat burner

At the University of Minnesota two years ago, Dr Shalamar Sibley, was examining how kilojoule reduction might affect hormone pathways. On a hunch, she decided to test one more variable: vitamin D.

"Researchers have been tracking the relationship between low vitamin D and obesity," says Dr SibLey. "So I wondered if people's baseline vitamin D levels would predict their ability to lose weight when cutting kilojoules."

Her hunch paid off - big time. People with adequate vitamin D levels at the start of the study tended to Lose more weight than those with low levels, even though everyone reduced their kilojoule intake equally. In fact, even a minuscule increase in a key D precursor caused the study participants to incinerate an additional quarter of a kilogram of flab.

Dr Sibley's study is just the latest indication that vitamin D could be our special ops agent in the war against body fat. "In the past decade, there's been an explosion of research on vitamin D," says Dr Anthony Norman, a professor emeritus of biochemistry at the University of California. For example, a study at Laval University in Quebec City found that people who consumed more dietary vitamin D had less belly fat than people who ate less.

What's the big deal about D? It comes from milk and exposure to sunlight, right? Well, not really. Or at least, not enough of it does. More than a third of American men are deficient in the nutrient - even young, healthy men who Live in sunny states. And many more American men - over 50% - have suboptimal Levels. Despite ample sunshine, the Middle East and Africa register the highest rates of rickets worldwide - this is in large part explained by limited sun exposure, according to the International Osteoporosis Foundation.

"Vitamin D deficiency is one of the most commonly unrecognized medical conditions," says Dr Michael F. Holick, a professor of medicine at Boston University medical center and author of The Vitamin D Solution. "And that deficiency negatively affects every cell in your body-including your fat cells."

One reason vitamin D has flown under the research radar for so long is because it's more than just a vitamin - it's also a hormone, one that plays a role in a remarkable range of body processes. "In the past 20 years, we've found D receptors on up to 40 different tissues, including the heart, pancreas, muscles, immune system cells and brain," says Norman. He should know, having discovered the vitamin D receptor on intestinal cells back in 1969.

So think of vitamin D as your body's multitasking marvel: heart disease? Adequate D might be equal to exercise in its ability to ward off this number one killer of men. Blood pressure? D helps keep it down. Diabetes? Yep, studies show that D can combat this, too. Now add the potential to ward off memory loss, certain cancers (including prostate), and even the common cold, and it should come as no surprise that D may also help solve the riddle of your expanding middle. Here's the rundown on the many benefits of boosting your vitamin D.

You'll eat less but feel more satisfied.
When you have adequate vitamin D levels, your body releases more leptin, the hormone that conveys a "we're full, stop eating" message to your brain. Conversely, less D means less leptin and more frequent visits to the line at the Chinese buffet In fact, an Australian study showed that people who ate a breakfast high in D and calcium (a mineral that works hand in hand with D) blunted their appetites for the next 24 hours. Vitamin D deficiency is also linked to insulin resistance, which leads to hunger and overeating, says Dr Liz Applegate, director of sports nutrition at the University of California.

You'll store less fat.
When you have enough D in your bloodstream, fat cells slow their efforts to make and store fat, says Dr Holick. But when your D is low, levels of parathyroid hormone (PTH) and a second hormone, calcitrol, rise and that's bad: high levels of these hormones turn your body into a fat miser, encouraging it to hoard fat instead of burning it, says Dr Michael B. Zemel, director of the nutrition institute at the University of Tennessee. In fact, a Norwegian study found that elevated PTII levels increased a man's risk of becoming overweight by 40%.

You'll burn more fat - especially belly fat.
Vitamin D can help you lose lard all over, but it's particularly helpful for the kilograms above your belt. Studies at the University of Minnesota and Laval University found that D triggers weight loss primarily in the belly. One explanation: the nutrient may work with calcium to reduce production of Cortisol, a stress hormone that causes you to store belly fat, says Zemel.

You'll lose weight - and help your heart.
One of Zemel's studies found that a diet high in dairy (which means plenty of calcium and vitamin D) helped people lose 70% more weight than a diet with the same number of kilojoules but without high levels of those nutrients. What's more, a German study showed that high levels of vitamin D actually increased the benefits of weight loss, improving cardiovascular risk markers like triglycerides.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Can't Miss Muscle

Use Movements You've Never Tried To Build The Body You've Always Wanted

muscle training
Imagine that the barbell curl came with an auto-correct function, one that instantly perfected your form - no cheating allowed. Yes, you would possibly have to remove some weight. But you'd also slash your injury risk while giving your targeted muscles the maximum challenge.

As a result, you'd reap the greatest possible benefit from every set. Turns out, that an auto-correct feature already exists - you just have to choose the right moves. I first learned about these moves, known as "self limiting exercises", from Gray Cook, a personal trainer, whose analysis of human movement patterns is used to enhance his clients' performance and prevent injuries.

Cook notes that barefoot running is a self-limiting exercise: if you don't use proper form or aren't in shape to run, the pain in your feet is your body's way of warning you to stop before you injure yourself. Makes sense.

Here are six self-limiting exercises you should add to your workouts. Now if only your diet had an auto-correct function...

1. TRX Inverted Row

WHY IT'S SELF-LIMITING: You're relying on your upper body's weakest link to pull yourself up. If your upper back, arms, grip or core aren't up to the task, they simply won't allow you to complete another rep.

trx inverted row

HOW TO DO IT: Attach TRX suspension straps to a chin-up bar so the handles are about 1.2m above the floor. Hold a handle in each hand and lie beneath them. Your arms should be straight and your body should be aligned from ankles to head.

Brace your core and glutes. This is the starting position. Squeeze your shoulder blades together, pull your upper arms down and bend your elbows to row your body upward. Pause, and then lower yourself to the starting position.

2. Single-leg Squat

WHY IT'S SELF-LIMITING: you either have the leg strength to push up from the bottom position, or you don't. (If your heel doesn't touch the floor on each rep, you're not lowering yourself far enough.)

single-leg squat

HOW TO DO IT: Stand with your left leg on a bench that's about knee height. Your right leg should hang off the side, with your ankle flexed so your toes are higher than your heel. Hold your arms straight out in front of you for balance. This is the starting position.

Balance on your left foot as you bend your left knee and push your hips back until your right heel touches the floor. Pause, and push yourself up to the starting position. Finish your left leg reps before repeating with your right.

3. Kettlebell Windmill

WHY IT'S SELF-LIMITING: If your core or arms tire, you won't be able to hold the weight overhead - it will fall to one side or you'll drop it.

kettlebell windmill

HOW TO DO IT: With a kettlebell in your right hand, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointed slightly left. Hold the weight straight above your right shoulder, your left arm at your side. This is the starting position. Keeping your right arm straight, right leg stiff and eyes on the kettlebell, lower your torso to the left, bending your left knee and lowering your left hand until it touches the floor. Return to the starting position. Finish your left side reps, and repeat to your right.

4. Goblet Lunge

WHY IT'S SELF-LIMITING: You have no choice but to keep your torso erect throughout the exercise - if you start to lean forward, that means your core is tiring and you run the risk of falling flat on your face.

goblet lunge

HOW TO DO IT: Hold a dumbbell vertically in front of your chest with both hands, cupping the weight by the head (the "goblet hold"). Keep your torso upright and your elbows pointed down. This is the starting position. Take one step forward with your left leg and lower yourself until your left knee is bent 90-degrees. Pause, and then push yourself back to the starting position. Complete the left leg reps called for in your workout, and then repeat the move with your right leg.

5. Kettlebell Bottoms-up Press

WHY IT'S SELF-LIMITING: If your grip, arm or core tires, you won't be able to push through the lift by overcompensating with any other muscle group; you'll need all three.

kettlebell bottoms-up press

HOW TO DO IT: Grasp a heavy kettlebell in your right hand and swing it upward until it's next to your shoulder, with your elbow bent and your wrist straight. The weight should be upside down, with the bottom of the kettlebell facing the ceiling. (You'll have to balance it.) Keep your torso braced and upright. This is the starting position. Press the kettlebell up until your arm is completely straight, and then lower it back to the starting position. That's one rep. Finish your right arm reps before repeating the move with your left arm.

6. Single-arm Farmer's Walk

WHY IT'S SELF-LIMITING: The challenge is that you have to stay completely upright as you perform this movement. If your core tires, you'll start leaning towards the side holding the dumbbell, creating uncomfortable torque on your spine that will force you to stop the exercise. Or if you lose your grip, you'll drop the weight.

single-arm farmer's walk

HOW TO DO IT: With a heavy dumbbell in one hand, let both arms hang naturally at your sides. Keeping your torso braced and upright throughout the exercise, walk forward for as long as possible before you have to drop the weight. Shift the weight to your opposite hand and repeat. If you can walk for longer than 60 seconds, switch to a heavier dumbbell.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Powder Keg

Should You Be Taking A Protein Shake? Get Supplement Savvy

powder keg
Before you buy that massive tub of powdered muscle, ask yourself these two questions: "What do I need?" and "What can I afford?"

Next step: make sure you run it past your doctor. Only then can you start weighing up the options. "There are three broad categories of supplement shakes," says Professor Du Toit Loots, professional athlete and professor in Metabolic Biochemistry at North-West University. "The key is finding the right one for you."

Supplements fall into three general categories, depending on your goal. Start here:

1. Mass Builders
This type of supplement should ideally be taken by guys who struggle to gain weight, have a super fast metabolism and who are trying to bulk up.

"Mass builders are normally the cheaper option, as they have less protein and more carbohydrates, which is a cheaper source of supplementation," says Loots. "Our bodies preferentially use carbohydrates to fuel our metabolism. After that the remaining carbs and proteins would remain for muscle and weight gain."

2. Muscle Builders
These usually contain a 50:50 carbohydrates to proteins ratio, but these ratios can vary in either direction.

"Compared to mass builders," Loots explains, "muscle builders contain more protein and less carbs. These are typically used by active individuals wanting to gain muscle and not too much weight from fat."

3. Protein Shakes
There are broadly two types of protein supplements; combined protein shakes (which contain a combination of whey, soy and egg) and pure whey shakes.

"Although combined protein shakes are cheaper than pure whey shakes, the quality of the protein isn't as good," says Loots. "The soya protein used in these products is less easily utilized for muscle repair and growth, as compared to egg white proteins and whey."


"Creatine is a muscle fuel that has been shown to have performance enhancing effects and is considered safe when used in the short term, by people over the age of 18," says clinical dietitian, Pippa Mullins.

Mullins warns that creatine supplementation should be used correctly. Drink responsibly, because the side effects, which include nausea and gastrointestinal upset, are nasty.

Glutamine is also often added to protein shakes to help support the immune system, says Mullins. According to Professor Yoliswa Lumka, head of the Sport Performance Institute at Stellenbosch University, glutamine may also assist in muscle cell repair after weight training.

However natural additives seem to increase the effectiveness of supplementation, don't let this be an essential part of your decision, says Loots. "Often the amount of creatine and other natural additives in the shake aren't enough to be effective, and are merely a marketing strategy to get the product sold."

Get bang for your buck by choosing the best quality protein shake, that matches your fitness goals and your lifestyle.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Eat For Growth

Double Your Protein

It takes a lot of chicken to ensure you're fueling your muscle repair this week, so make it your best friend.
chicken protein
These yoghurt marinades will ensure you don't get food fatigue. Plus each 100ml serving of plain Greek yoghurt packs and extra 5g of protein, and saves calories compared with mayo.

Shake It Up

Struggling to take on the calories? Sink this 60min after the gym.
- 1scoop low-chemical protein powder;
- 2tbsp natural almond butter;
- 400ml whole milk;
- small handful spinach;
- 5 ice cubes.

Place all ingredients in a blender and blitz until smooth. If you're pressed for time in the morning, you can prepare this one the night before.

Hey Fatty

Fats are vital for muscle growth this week.
avocados, nuts, coconut oil
AVOCADOS: High in calories, but low in anything unhealthy, this will help you gain size without adding body fat. Eat with every lunchtime meal.
NUTS: You've heard it before, but nuts are one of the best pound-for pound muscle-building foods out there. Eat in place of dessert or 60min before a workout.
COCONUT OIL: About 64% of coconut oil is medium-chain triglycerides: fatty acids which give your muscles energy. Use it on salads as a dressing.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Mindful And Positive

mindful and positive
Practicing "mindfulness meditation", also called "integrative body-mind training", that involves periods of intense focus and concentration is not just relaxing; it actually causes positive changes in the brain.

The study in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences was based on 68 students in China who were randomly assigned to either a meditation or a relaxation-training group.

None of the students had any experience with meditation. Using diffusion tensor imaging, a kind of MRI technique, the researchers assessed changes in the structure of the brain.

There were substantial changes in the white matter of the brain involving the anterior cingulate cortex, a part of the brain network related to self-regulation.

Many mental disorders such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety, depression, schizophrenia and borderline personality disorder involve the anterior cingulate cortex.

A better understanding of the white matter in the brain "could provide a means for intervention to improve or prevent mental disorders".

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Be A Natural Born Winner

This workout uses nine different movements that your body was built to excel at. Complete reps of each exercise before progressing. Repeat the circuit three times.


On a narrow plank or street curb, balance and walk forwards for 20m. Then walk back the same distance. Keep your body straight and use your arms as little as possible. Repeat 5 times for greater stability in every move you make.


Move forwards for 20m on all fours, with a stone or book on your back. This forces you to keep your back flat. Repeats times, increasing the speed. To make it harder, follow a straight line on the ground, keeping both feet and hands on the line to engage your core muscles.


Find a rail that you can duck under without touching it. Walk from two paces away and drop under it, keeping your back straight. Stand up again. Repeat 20 times.

This is your thighs' worst nightmare. Plus, you a re forced to maintain good posture, which avoids back pain.


Squat down to a heavy bag and lift it to waist height. Repeat the move 20 times, alternating between using both hands and only your left or right.

The imbalance of the bag calls on stabilising muscles that are often ignored in the gym. Do your worst, IKEA.

5 Jump

Stand an arm's length away from a wall. Jump as high as you can, touching the wall with your outstretched hand. Repeal 15 times, landing on the same spot.

This engages under-used muscles in your lower body and core, to increase flexibility and explosive power.


Sprint up a hill for 40m. Walk back down and repeat 5 times. Start with a very steep slope. When it gets a bit easier, switch to a gentler slope and increase the distance.

It burns calories and improves explosiveness. Running up hill limits your speed to prevent muscle injuries.


With a training partner, throw and catch a med ball or sandbag, keeping it around chest height. After 10 throws, increase the distance and repeat until failure.

This builds your upper body, as well as training you to predict the trajectory of an object and react faster.


Ask your partner to hop on your back and carry them for 50m. Keep your back straight throughout. Repeat 4 times, progressively increasing your speed.

It reinforces your lower back musculature and works the legs better than any leg press in the gym.


Climb a pole,ape man-style - your arms pulling, legs pushing. To start with, aim to increase the time you can hang in the position above. Hold for 1min. Repeat 7 times.

This works your back and leg adductors with resistance and endurance-so you'll be strong for longer.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Butter Up Your Heart

butter heart
If you want to keep your ticker on top form, try laying off the low-fat spread.

According to one of America's leading heart surgeons, Dr Dwight Lundell, having high cholesterol is only dangerous when our arteries become inflamed.

One of the main causes of this arterial inflammation is omega-6 fats, which are found in margarine, vegetable oils and processed foods.

To restore a healthy balance in your body, fill upon the omega-3s found in olive oil, butter and other products that come from grass-fed animals, instead.

You'll excuse us if we pop out for an Aberdeen Angus with bearnaise sauce? It's doctor's orders, you see.


Ultimate 30's Workout

Increase the amount of testosterone and growth hormone your body produces by working multiple muscle groups and keeping rest periods short. For cardio, your lactate threshold can still be increased throughout your thirties, so intervals are king to counter any loss of lung power.

Ultimate 40's Workout

Short, sharp shocks are the way to fire up your body in your middle years - which means you can forget long-winded weights workouts. Vary exercises, intensity and timings to keep your muscles guessing.

Ultimate 50's Workout

You may not be able to lift the heaviest weight, but that's okay. Instead, stretching and yoga should be part of your training, and body-weight moves can replace heavy workouts. Do three sets of 10 reps of the following exercises to protect your joints and maintain muscle mass and testosterone.