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Supported Single-Arm Dumbbell Row

Supported Single-Arm Dumbbell Row

Hold a dumbbell in your right hand, place your left hand on a bench in front of you, and assume a staggered stance, left foot forward. Hold your elbow in as you row the wight to the side of your torso. Do 10 reps, switch arms and leg positions, and repeat the movement.

Dumbbell Triceps Kickback

Dumbbell Triceps Kickback

Grab a pair of dumbbells, bend your knees and lean forward so your torso is nearly parallel to the floor. Tuck your upper arms next to your sides, bend your elbows, and hold your forearms about parallel to the floor, palms facing up. Simultaneously extend your arms straight back and rotate the weight so your palms end up facing each other. Return to the starting position. Do 15 reps.

Dumbbell Hammer Curl and Press

Dumbbell Hammer Curl and Press

Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, hold a pair of dumbbells at arm's length by your sides, palms facing each other. Without moving your upper arms, curl the weights to your shoulders, and then press them overhead until your arms are straight. Reverse the move to return to the starting position. Do 10 reps.

Friday, April 29, 2016

5 Most Physically Demanding Sports

The physicality of a sport involves the combination of endurance, strength, power, agility, flexibility and durability it requires to participate effectively in that sport.  There are many arguments for each sport and some require more of one of these factors than others.  Most sports are very physically demanding on the body and require a great amount of practice and routine to participate in.

Some sports are more physically demanding than others; compare the sport of boxing to that of fishing as an example.

Criteria to Determine the Most Physically Demanding Sports

  • Endurance in the ability to sustain a particular skill or action for long periods of time.
  • Strength in the ability to exert force.
  • Power in producing strength quickly
  • Agility in being able to quickly change direction.
  • Flexibility to perform a wide range of motion and stretch muscle groups.
  • Durability to withstand physical punishment over a sustained period of time.

The 5 Most Physically Demanding Sports According to the Experts

According to ESPN Page 2, 60 sports were evaluated by experts to determine which sports were the most demanding in all categories overall.
  1. Boxing
  2. Ice Hockey
  3. Football
  4. Basketball
  5. Wrestling

Sixty sports overall were evaluated using many aspects of athleticism such as endurance, strength, power, speed, agility, flexibility, nerve, durability, hand eye coordination and analytic aptitude by a panel of experts assembled from sports scientists, academicians who study muscles and movements, athletes and journalists.

Physical Training is Necessary for the 5 Most Physically Demanding Sports

Athletes who participate in these physically demanding sports professionally require hours of conditioning each day.  They endure extreme punishments on their body each time they compete.  Muscle building, conditioning and strengthening are just the beginning of the training necessary to sustain the onslaught of abuse their body will endure with each competition.  A boxer must be able to not only exert force and power on his opponent but he be physically conditioned to accept it as well. 

Wrestlers must be able to maintain exerted strength for long periods of time. Football and basketball players, whether they are offensive or defensive players, must be physically fit to be effective. Ice hockey players must be able to endure long periods and physical alterations without faltering.  All of these athletes and others require many years with many hours each day of practice and training to participate in these very physically demanding sports.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

How to Get More Muscle from Healthy Foods

The human race is putting a great deal more emphasis on health lately, and one of the issues that we face is getting to a healthy weight, without losing healthy muscle. If this is a concern of yours, you need to know how to get more muscle from healthy foods.

muscle healthy foods

Why We Lose Muscle Dieting

We tend to lose healthy muscle when we are dieting because we severely limit foods. The body is self preserving, and when you deprive it of food, it will literally start feeding on itself – primarily from muscle.

This is why eating is such an essential part of any weight loss program. You want to supply your body with the food that it needs to burn for energy, and foods that will more or less direct the body to burn fat for excess energy sources, instead of muscle.

Nutrition Information to Retain Muscle and Lose Fat

If you want to eat healthy to build or retain muscle, you need protein. Protein comes from poultry, meat, eggs, fish, nuts, and beans. You also need vegetables, and green vegetables are the healthiest. Fruit is important for the vitamins and minerals that it contains, and experts agree that you should include one fruit with each meal. You also need whole grain foods to use for energy. This includes oats, rice, breads, and even pasta, but these foods should be greatly limited.

Surprisingly, your diet needs fat as well. The best type of fat to consume is fat that contains Omega 3 fatty acids, such as fish and olive oil. You also need to make sure that you are hydrating the body properly with water. Experts agree that you need approximately one liter of water for every 1000 calories that you burn.

You Must Exercise for Healthy Muscle

You can eat healthy all of the time and still not have healthy muscle. You must combine healthy food with healthy exercise to obtain healthy muscle, and there is no way around this. Additionally, you must be doing the right type of exercise.

The best exercise for building muscle is strength training exercises, such as lifting weights. You should be participating in strength training exercises at least three times per week, for thirty minutes at a time. You must also do exercises that get your heart rate up, such as aerobics two to three times a week. What this means is that for overall great health and healthy muscle, you need to be exercising at least five times a week.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

10 Tips to Changing Your Attitude to Exercise

Going to the gym for your workout three times a week can become very old, very fast. Before you know it, you are only going once a week, and it won’t be long before you’ve completely ditched your exercise routine – and you’ve found a million reasons why you simply don’t have time for those all important workouts. You need 10 tips to changing your attitude to exercise.

changing attitude to exercise

Why We Avoid Exercise

We avoid exercise for a number of reasons. The biggest reason is that it isn’t much fun. The second biggest reason is that we don’t have time. The third biggest reason is that it causes us physical pain. You can always find reasons to avoid exercising. What you need is reasons why you should exercise.

10 Things to Motivate You to Exercise More

  1. You will lose weight. Even if you don’t need to lose weight, you still need to maintain your current weight, and this can easily be done through regular exercise.
  2. You will have more energy. Energy always creates more energy, and when you exercise regularly, you will find that you are more energetic in all aspects of your life.
  3. You will feel better. You will feel better, from a physical standpoint with regular exercise. You will find that you do not experience as much body pain and that all of your bodily systems are performing much better.
  4. You will sleep better. Exercise helps you to sleep better. People who suffer from insomnia usually aren’t getting enough physical exercise during the day.
  5. You will look more toned. If losing weight is a bonus, looking fit and toned is an even bigger bonus. Exercise will strengthen and tone your muscles, and there will be a visual difference.
  6. You will improve your overall general health. Science has proven over and over again that regular exercise is the key to preventing numerous health issues, and to helping you get past numerous health issues that have already occurred.
  7. You will live longer. People who regularly exercise live longer. This is because they are strengthening the heart muscle in most cases.
  8. You will have fun. Exercise is only dull and boring if you make it dull and boring. Start looking at exercise as entertainment.
  9. You will be happier. When you exercise, the brain releases more endorphins, which improve your mood and give you a sense of happiness.
  10. You will have more endurance. When we don’t exercise regularly, we run out of steam fairly quickly. With regular exercise, you will find that you have more endurance.

How to Choose the Right Exercise for You

Exercise should be fun. If it feels like work, you simply won’t do it – regardless of the benefits there are to be had from it. Think about the things that you like to do, and don’t forget that sports are also exercise. Choose the exercises that you do based first on what is enjoyable to you, and second based on the type of exercise that you require to reach your goals. Always remember that any exercise is better than no exercise at all.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Effective Ways to Build Your Biceps

If you are looking for effective ways to build your biceps you should educate yourself on isolating muscle groups.  Once you are able to isolate specific groups of muscles you are able to set a routine in motion to build your biceps effectively.  If you do not know the proper exercises to isolate certain groups of muscles speak with a trainer at the gym who can help you get started.

Effective Ways to Build Your Biceps with Slow and Steady Repetition

Biceps are not built overnight.  Slow and steady wins the race when it comes to building up the guns!  Remember that the optimal training zone is important and by doing more repetitions you can usually do more damage than good for your biceps.  Establish a workout routine of weights and stick with it.  This does not need to be done every day; you will have more success in building your biceps if you do your sets only 3 or 4 times each week and work other muscle groups on the alternate days. This allows all muscle groups to rest and time to repair.

Effective Ways to Build Your Biceps with Muscle Tension

Constant tension is the best way to build biceps.  It is important that you learn the muscle groups and how to isolate each group to be worked on.  If you have poor technique or you are not targeting the correct muscle group you will not be gaining the full benefit of the workout session.

Effective Ways to Build Your Biceps by Alternating Muscle Groups

Training the same muscle groups every day with the same sets and routines is not healthy for your muscles.  The muscles become fatigued and do not respond as well.  You will have more success in training these muscles in different ways.  A good example is that you can go to the gym and do barbell curls on the 1st day, then work the rowing machine the next day.  When working the rowing machine you are still working the biceps but in a different way.  Work the dumbbell the 3rd day but on the 4th day work your biceps by doing chin-ups.  There are many different workout routines that help to isolate and work the biceps.  If you are unsure as to which routines you should be using speak to someone at the gym to get a routine in place for you.

By mixing it up and training various muscle groups on different days such as your shoulders, your pectorals or your back you are still working on the tone and appearance of your biceps.  Working the groups that support these muscles can give the look of your biceps more definition and tone.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Easy Butt Shaping Exercises

Do you ever worry about how your butt looks in your favorite jeans? Most people do consider it – or should. Unfortunately, not everyone has a nice looking butt – regardless of what they wear. To get a butt that you like, and that others will admire, you need to do some easy butt shaping exercises.

butt shaping exercises

Leg Lifts for a Better Butt Shape

Get on your hands and knees. Extend one leg straight out behind you, and lift that leg as high as you can. Hold it in the air for a few seconds, squeezing the glutes as you hold. Bring the leg back down, but don’t touch the floor. Repeat the process ten times for each leg.

You can also lie on your side, and bend both knees so that your hips are at a 90 degree angle. Stretch the top leg out straight in front of you, and then lift that leg, hold, and then let it back down. Repeat this exercise ten times on each side as well, and try a variation where you do the leg lift, but with the knee bent.

Take the Stairs for a Better Butt

Stairs are extremely beneficial for the legs and the butt – and it’s also a good aerobic workout. Going up is better than going down when it comes to shaping the butt. You can work out with stairs even if you don’t have stairs. All you need is one step that is about 10 to 18 inches off the floor. Step on and step off – and repeat as often as possible.

If you do have access to stairs, climb those stairs as often as you can each day, and make sure that you are doing it with the purpose of shaping your butt, so that you can climb those stairs in an effective manner.

Sitting Exercises for a Shapely Butt

While you are sitting, tighten your butt muscles as often as you can. Tighten the muscles; hold them, and then release, repeating the process over and over again. This is similar to Kegal Exercises, but instead of using the vaginal muscles, you are using the muscles in your butt.

You don’t need expensive gym equipment of any type to achieve the butt that you want. You just need to make the effort to strengthen and tone those muscles each day. This can be done in the privacy of your home – or even sitting at your desk in your office – and you should devote at least thirty minutes each day to getting the butt shape that you desire.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Do Sit Ups Damage Your Back?

People have been doing some version of sit ups for years in an effort to flatten their stomachs, tone their abdomen and strengthen their cores.  Have all these years of working the abdominals reaped havoc on the back? Experts do not agree on the subject.  Many people say that sit ups strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and back while others say that sit ups can damage the spinal column or its discs leading to lower back pain for the rest of your life.

sit ups damage back

Why Do Sit Ups Damage Your Back?

The range of motion most people use in doing a sit up is that it causes the spine to curve forward.  For the first 30% of this motion you are using the abdominal muscles to lift your body up. The other 70% of the motion of a sit up is completed using the hip flexors. This compresses the front of the spinal discs in a pinching motion.  When sit ups are done in the early morning after laying flat sleeping at night the discs have more fluid in them and the risk of damage is increased.  Some experts believe that the spinal discs have a wear point and each sit up done decreases the life of the discs wear; eventually we reach the maximum amount of compressions and the disc is blown.

How Do Sit Ups Damage Your Back?

Performing a repetition of sit ups routinely can cause the spinal column to curve forward and pinch. This action causes wear and tear on the discs which provide the cushion between the vertebrae.  Wearing these cushions thin or damaging them can cause the vertebrae to rub together causing severe pain.  If you do 100 sit ups each day you have done 700 sit ups each week and 36,400 sit ups each year.  The repeated action causes strain on the muscles of the back as well as the discs that support the bones of the back.

Do Sit Ups Damage Your Back Even When Done Correctly?

If a sit up is done keeping the back straight there would be less curving and pinching of the spinal column and discs.  It would follow that this would decrease the risk of damage to the back while doing sit ups.  This way of doing a sit up would take extreme muscle control to not curve your bodies forward as you are attempting to lift it up.  The major problem with this theory is doing the sit up without curving the back bone forward since as your body tires it will naturally curve forward for your arms and shoulders to help with the lift.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

The Impact of Television on Childhood Obesity

With this the amount of exercise and physical activity has severely decreased for many children.  It is estimated that of every 3 children in America that 1 of them is overweight.

television childhood obesity

The Impact of Television on Childhood Obesity – Commercials

A recent study conducted in 2010 stated that it is not the amount of television that the child watches but rather the number of junk food commercials they see during that time period that increase the risk of childhood obesity.  The study showed that children who watch television with junk food commercials were more likely to be overweight than children who watched other forms of television such as DVD’s without commercials.

Advertisers purchase commercial air time on specific television shows to impact specific audiences.  Adult television shows target adults with cars and appliances for example.  Children’s television shows target children.  During these slots you will see commercials for toys, games and foods such as snack foods or fast foods.  For every 30 minutes of television your child will view approximately 8 minutes of brightly colored commercials with catchy jingles that will stay in their heads prompting them to want junk food instead of healthy nutritious snacks and meals.

Sedentary Lifestyles- The Impact of Television on Childhood Obesity

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) suggests limiting the amount of time a child watches television to 2 hours per day.  Children are inactive while watching television and most watch more than 2 hours of television per day.  Besides being sedentary while watching the TV they often snack on unhealthy foods while doing so.  Both of these facts can lead to weight gain and childhood obesity.

Parents can Stop the Impact of Television on Childhood Obesity

You can encourage your child toward physical activity by limiting the amount of time they spend in front of a television and replacing the extra time with physical activity for you and your child.  You can also help by making the time they do watch television commercial free.  This can be accomplished by watching movies on DVD or by recording the shows and teaching your child to fast forward through the commercials.  If the commercials cannot be avoided, spend the time with your child and mute the commercials, engaging your child in conversation during the commercial.  You can also keep healthy snack food choices in the home for television time or do not allow foods and beverages in the room where the television is to keep your child from mindless snacking while viewing television.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Sources of Energy During Sport

Energy, in either case, must be supplied from one of two sources. Sources of energy during sport come from fat that is stored throughout the body or from carbohydrates that have been recently stored in the muscles.

sources energy during sport

Energy from Carbohydrates

If you are doing a high intensity workout, or playing a high intensity sport, your body will automatically adjust to burn more carbohydrate as energy. It still burns fat as well, however – it is just that it burns more carbohydrate during this time. If you’ve ever wondered why you tire out faster during a high intensity workout, it is because the source of energy – carbohydrates – is used up rather quickly.

Energy from Fat

Although fat gets burned during high intensity exercise, more fat actually gets burned in relation to the amount of carbohydrate that the body is using during low intensity workouts. Just as high intensity workouts or sports can only be endured for short periods of time, because we have a great deal more fat stored in the body, low intensity workouts and sports can last much longer, and we very seldom run out of this energy source.

How Much Fat and Carbohydrate is being Used During Sport?

Exercise intensity is measured by your heart rate. The higher the heart rate is, the more intense the sport is, and this intensity determines which energy source your body is using. If your heart rate is 65 to 70 the energy being used is about 40 percent carbohydrate and 60 percent fat. If your heart rate is 100, on the other hand, you are burning pure carbohydrate and no fat. The higher the heart rate goes, the more carbohydrate you are burning, and the less fat you are burning.

If you are attempting to burn off fat, as opposed to carbohydrate, it is important to realize this, and to workout or play a sport in such a way that your heart rate remains lower. It is also important to understand that the oxidation rate of either fat or carbohydrate matters a great deal when it comes to your metabolism.

There is a very complex mathematical formula to determine this, but overall, if you pay attention to the heart rate, you can be sure that you are burning the energy source that you most prefer to use.

Ultimate 30's Workout

Increase the amount of testosterone and growth hormone your body produces by working multiple muscle groups and keeping rest periods short. For cardio, your lactate threshold can still be increased throughout your thirties, so intervals are king to counter any loss of lung power.

Ultimate 40's Workout

Short, sharp shocks are the way to fire up your body in your middle years - which means you can forget long-winded weights workouts. Vary exercises, intensity and timings to keep your muscles guessing.

Ultimate 50's Workout

You may not be able to lift the heaviest weight, but that's okay. Instead, stretching and yoga should be part of your training, and body-weight moves can replace heavy workouts. Do three sets of 10 reps of the following exercises to protect your joints and maintain muscle mass and testosterone.